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Panicum Frosted Explosion
Loosely tufted, clump-forming annual grass, about 60-90cm in height, with narrow, linear, flat mid-green leaves, turning yellow in autumn. Produces light and airy pale green flowers on hair-fine sprays, early to late summer and autumn. Great in a border or for flower arrangers
Panicum virgatum Northwind
Very vertical, upright clumps to 1.8 metres on good soil. Broad olive green foliage that turns warm golden yellow in autumn. Slender flower plumes in late summer. Likes retentive soil, not too heavy in a sunny spot
Panicum virgatum Squaw
Upright clumps with large purple tinted flower plumes up to 1.5 metres in late summer. Good autumn colour to foliage, especially after a hot summer. Enjoys a retentive soil, not too heavy in sun
Panicum virgatum Shenandoah
Clumps with leaves tipped in deep purple all summer turn every shade of gold, red, burgundy and beetroot in autumn. Flower plumes late summer to 120cm. Likes retentive soil, not too heavy in a sunny spot
Patrinia scabiosifolia
1.2m. Above clumps of coarsely cut foliage, flat umbels of chrome yellow flowers appear in July-Sept. Light and airy but with a zesty kick to that bright yellow that gives the border a fresh lift when other plants are starting to look tired.
Likes sun on a deep retentive soil
Likes sun on a deep retentive soil
Pennisetum alopecuroides Red Head
90cm. Upright clumps of arching green leaves topped by dark, purple black bottle brush flowers that turn silvery as they dry and add considerable interest to the winter border. Grow in full sun on any reasonable soil
Pennisetum macrourum
Low clumps of basal foliage send up tall (1.5 metres), willowy stems topped by long, slender bottle brush flowers from August onwards. Initially upright but forms a gracefully arching clump over time and looks fantastic backlit by low winter sunlight. Likes a well drained soil in sun
Pennisetum orientale Karley Rose
Silky, poker like flowers, tinted dusky rose pink, hover on stems above clumps of narrow dark green foliage in late summer. Likes sun on well drained soil that doesn't bake dry. Sells on sight!
Penstemon Black Bird
90cm. Bushy, semi evergreen perennial with lance shaped green leaves and upright racemes of smokey dark purple tubular flowers from mid summer until frosts, with a little dead heading to help it along.Likes full sun on well drained soil. Leave previous season growth standing through winter and cut back hard early April
Penstemon Garnet
90cm. Bushy, semi evergreen perennial with lance shaped green leaves and upright racemes of wine red tubular flowers from mid summer until frosts, with a little dead heading to help it along.Likes full sun on well drained soil. Leave previous season growth standing through winter and cut back hard early April
Perovskia atriplicifolia
Compact, upright variety to 75cm with striking silver white stems, silver grey foliage and from July until frosts, spires of pale lavender blue flowers that literally go with every other colour in the border!
Grow in full sun on well drained soil and cut back to no more than a couple of buds at the base of each stem as new leaves start into growth in the spring.
Grow in full sun on well drained soil and cut back to no more than a couple of buds at the base of each stem as new leaves start into growth in the spring.
Persicaria amplexicaulis Alba
1m. Clumps of large green, somewhat dock like foliage, are topped by slender white flower spikes from July - frosts. Easy, bomb proof perennial that really earns its keep in sun or light shade on any reasonable soil.
Good for bees too
Good for bees too
Persicaria amplexicaulis Firetail
Clumps of large green, somewhat dock like foliage, are topped by slender coral red flower spikes from July - frosts. Easy, bomb proof perennial that really earns its keep in sun or light shade on any reasonable soil.
Good for bees too
Good for bees too
Persicaria amplexicaulis Rosea
Clumps of large, somewhat dock like foliage are topped by slender spikes by pale pink flower spikes from July until frosts. Easy, bomb proof perennial that really earns its keep in sun or lightshade on any reasonable soil.
Persicaria amplexicaulis Taurus
Clumps of large green, somewhat dock like foliage, are topped by deep red flower spikes from July - frosts. Easy, bomb proof perennial that really earns its keep in sun or light shade on any reasonable soil.
Good for bees too
Good for bees too
Persicaria bistorta Superba
Spreading clumps form dense, weed smothering ground cover and nice pink flower spikes, to 60cm, from early onwards. Sun or light shade, dislikes dry soils.
Persicaria macrocephala
Covers the ground with distinctively-patterned, reddish to dark green foliage spreading from stout rhizomes. The broadly oval leaves with distinctive brown and grey markings are held on short, winged stalks. Small, rounded heads of tiny white flowers top branching stems to 60cm high, from midsummer to autumn
Persicaria polymorpha
Back of border giant, height and width dimensions directly relative to amount of moisture available but easily up to 2.4 metres. Clouds of tiny white flowers first appear mid June, changing as they age through shades of pink, salmon and red. Useful winter structure too ( cut down in early spring). Sun or light shade on retentive soil
Phlomis russeliana
Spreading clumps of evergreen felty foliage throw up stout stems sporting pale yellow flowers arranged in whorls at regular intervals up the stem to 1m. Excellent dark brown seed heads contrast well with grasses if left standing through the winter.
Does best in full sun on well drained soil but will tolerate light shade. Very drought tolerant
Does best in full sun on well drained soil but will tolerate light shade. Very drought tolerant
Phlomis tuberosa
From basal clumps of handsome tooth edged foliage up come branching stems with lilac mauve flowers arranged in whorls at intervals up the stems to 1.2 metres. Excellent seed heads follow and last well into winter months.
Likes full sun on well drained soil and copes well with drought once established
Likes full sun on well drained soil and copes well with drought once established
Phlox paniculatum Nikki
Bushy, clump forming perennial with upright stems and deep green leaves, topped by rounded heads of deep cerise purple scented flowers from mid summer. Grows best in sun or light shade on a deep retentive soil
Polemonium yezonense Purple Rain
Low, basal clumps of deep purple foliage send up deep purple stems topped by sprays of violet blue flowers in late spring / early summer. Likes sun or light shade on well drained but retentive soil. Foliage will colour better with some direct sun
Polygonatum x hybridum
Solomans Seal. Dense, almost weed proof patches of underground rhizomatus roots send up elegant arching stems of pendulous creamy white flowers to around 65cm tall. Enjoys a reasonably good, retentive soil in light shade
Potentilla Monarchs Velvet
Bushy clumps, 60cm x 60cm, produce masses of saucer shaped flowers in deep raspberry red with a contrasting darker eye from July onward, deadhead to keep them coming.
Likes sun or light shade on any reasonable soil
Likes sun or light shade on any reasonable soil
Potentilla nepalensis hybrid
Bushy clumps, 60cm x 60cm, produce masses of saucer shaped flowers in an unusual shade of pale creamy apricot with gorgeous red veining radiating from the centre from July onward, deadhead to keep them coming.
Likes sun or light shade on any reasonable soil
Likes sun or light shade on any reasonable soil
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